50款部落格外掛、小工具,任你安裝! (Blogger Widgets/Gadgets)


(公告︰自從Miss Muou發表了Blogger教學文後,很多網友都留言或私問我相關問題。其實當初我沒有寫原創教學,而只是引用別人的文章,最主要原因是我不是這方面的專業,加上沒有這麼多時間回答所有細碎問題,心裡只想方便自己、方便他人。不過,很多網友都把我當作老師般,反覆地發問,Miss Muou只好發出這篇公告,今後關於Blogger教學的問題我也不會回覆了。當然,文章依然會更新,但請大家自行在文章中尋找合適的教學了,感謝!) 4/4/2014

分類外掛 (Label Widgets)︰
  1. Show Recent Posts With Thumbnails For Particular Label or Category in Blogger (New!)
  2. Blogger Custom Label Widget Using Individual Category Feeds
  3. How To Customize Labels Cloud in Blogger Blog
  4. New AJAX Navigation Menu Widget for Blogger
  5. 一分鐘在Blogger加上Tab View分類欄 
分頁外掛 (Page Bar)︰
  1. [Blogger]如何加上數字分頁效果?
  2. 有跳頁功能的分頁效果
  3. JQUERY|文章二側加入頁面導覽 (New!)
相關文章外掛 (Related post Widgets)
  1. Related Post Widget for Blogger using OutBrain
  2. Fancy Black Skin For LinkWithin Gadget
  3. 5 Type of Related Post Widget For Blogger With Thumbnails
  4. LinkWithin - Related Posts with Thumbnails
隨機文章外掛 (Random post Widgets)
  1. Random Post Widget For Your Blogger Blog
  2. 裝上隨機文章(Random Posts),加強部落格的黏著度
  3. 單篇隨機文章‧讓舊文出來透透氣
  4. Stuff a Blog - Flashback widgets to enrich your blog
熱門文章外掛 (Popular post Widgets)
  1. Add a Popular Posts Gallery just above your Blogger posts
  2. Simple Recent Posts Widget For Blogger/Blogspot
最新文章外掛 (Recent post Widgets)
  1. Blogger RecentPosts 最新文章插件 V1.0.0
圖片輪播外掛 (silder)
  1. Add a Simplet Jquery Featured Slider to Blogger
  2. Add Jquery Nivo Slider in Blogspot/Blogger
  3. Simple Stylish JQuery Image Slideshow For Blogger
  4. Add Borders to the Images in Blogger Post
搜尋外掛 (Search Box)
  1. Stylish Search Box For Blogger Blog
  2. Add CSS Search Box to Blog
社交分享外掛 (Social Sharing Bar)
  1. Metro Style Social Media Subscription Widget V2 (New!)
  2. How to Add Facebook Like Box into Blogger Blog
  3. New Floating Social Sharing Bar Widget for Blogger / Blogspot
  4. Add Floating Vertical Share Bar to Blogger Blog
  5. Another New Floating Facebook Like Box Widget For Blogger !
訂閱外掛 (Subscribe Widgets)
  1. Static Follow By Email Pop Out Widget for Blogger / Blogspot
回到最上外掛 (Back to top Widgets)
LOGO外掛 (Logo Widgets)
  1.  StickerAction(可以計算有多少人的部落格掛上了自己的LOGO)
月曆外掛 (Calendar)︰
到訪人數外掛 (Blog Counters)︰
  1. Flag Counter » free counters - collect flags - learn about your visitors!
  2. Widgeo.net, World's Best Counters - 2,322,543 Members
  3. 統計分析 :: 摘要統計概況

Lil Marion 獨家優惠 ︰

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